2022 Law Enforcement Resource Guide





Meredith Moran Counseling  Prior experience in law enforcement

2961 1 Ave N, St. Petersburg, 727-316-0798mmoran@meredithmorancounseling.com


Real Resolutions Counseling -is a LEO Wife andAccelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)trained  jdobies@realresolutionscounseling.com(813)906-8865 http://realresolutionscounseling.com/  3825 Henderson Blvd., Suite 601 Tampa orTelehealth


Mike Mambala at: www.cypresswellnesscenter.comART therapy 727-308-6094

info@cypresswellnesscenter.com  563 49th Street S., Saint Petersburg or virtual


Maria Velasco-Fontaine LMHC https://sunsetcounselinggroup.com/813-481-8737 Telehealth or in person in Tampa


Elizabeth Hartjewww.Regionalpsychiatry.com  Orangecounty, but doesTelehealth, accepts some insurances, EMDR trained.


Dr. Jessica Peña,Psy.D 2600 Cypress RidgeBlvd, Wesley Chapel Suite I 813-219-0152 Certified in Trauma Therapy, experience with veterans/first respondersand families; accepts some insurances and EAP  www.drpsychologist.net


Dr. Brandy Benson Chief Psychologist of TBPA,Tampa Bay Psychology Associates

111 North Belcher Road, Suite 101,Clearwater  727-648-2725

Specializes with Law Enforcement (LEOS), FireFighters, EMS and other First Responders. Provides family and maritalcounseling for first responders. If you are a Pinellas First Responder, thereis grant money available for funding of therapy.  drbenson@tampabaypsychology.com  


Cathi Long, MA, LMFT 360 Counseling Marriage& Family Therapist. Specializes in First Responders and families. RetiredLEO, also current LEOW. https://clearwater360counseling.com/

(727) 804-8623 2759 State Road 580 Suite 112and 213 | Clearwater, FL 33761

cathilong@clearwater360counseling.com    Grants available for Pinellas firstresponders.


Keri Wanner LMHC https://harmoniawellnessmhc.com/aboutspecializes in first responders/veterans, (former EMT and militarypolice/veteran) offers EMDR, Located in Bradenton, offers telehealth.


Danielle Thomassy LCSW dthomassy@gmail.com 813-444-3818 TampaBay Counseling and Supervision 14021  NDale Mabry Highway Tampa. EMDR trained and experience with Trauma counseling https://www.tbcounselingandsupervision.com/

Camden Huber LCSW (561) 464-5258

specializes in trauma and PTSD, EMDR trained. Experiencewith first responders/military and also worked overnight in the ER for 6yrs.Innetwork with most insurances and offer $80 sliding scale for cash pay. Locatedin Orlando; able to provide telehealth.


STEVEN MOLLURA, LMHC, LPC 412-254-6043 prosperitycounselingfla@gmail.com  Accepts some insurances and is a militaryveteran.  https://www.prosperitycc.com/


Mario Juster-Kruse https://anxietyocdtampa.com/mario-juster-kruse-lmhc/  (813) 812-4940 info@anxietyocdtampa.com


Kerri Timothy at Creative Change Counseling& Wellness Coaching LLC

22920 SR 54 Lutz, FL 33549 (813) 501-6717 https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/kerri-timothy-lutz-fl/209390

Certified in trauma,years of experience withfirst responders/PTSD. 2 offices Lutz &Wesley Chapel.


Dr. Carmine Pecoraro 727-543-7678 PalmHarbor/Alt 19 www.astateofmindcounseling.com Accepts insurance / EAP/ PrivatePay


Dr. Zachary Isoma 813-531-9433 Tampa Area orvideo /  www.harborpsychology.comInsurance or Private Pay


Troy Bishop - Alternative Solutions Counseling and Coaching  Certified Clinical Trauma Professional &veteran https://www.altsolutionscounseling.com/  Duck Slough Blvd, Trinity, FL


Suzanne Gabriele and Associates, LLC  203-984-3169. West Palm Beach.  EMDR trained, offers telehealth , acceptssome insurances


Dr. Angela Fiorita  completed training in Tallahasseespecifically to address issues faced by first responders.  850-898-0080.Dr.Fiorita@WestsidePsychHealth.com.


Harper Therapy Chris Long LCSW, Dr. YiaraBlanco, Yolanda Harper LCSW ( pasco fire experience) 813-434-3639 DaleMabry/Lutz Area near Walmart on 41 www.harpertherapy.com Private Pay /possiblyaccept certain insurances


Dr. Carlos Garcia (prior military and firstresponder) 813-644-1791 Near 54 and 41 in Land O Lakes  www.tampacounselingandwellness.com  Private pay/ possible insurance reimbursement


Mario Morano LMHC 813-616-3402 Growth andRecovery Counseling Trinity off Little Rd. www.growrecover.comEvenings/weekends / Private Pay only - reasonably priced. A.R.T. trained forPTSD


Dawn Weaver LMHC 352-597-5497 5327 CommercialWay , Suite C Spring Hill www.dawnweaverlmhc.com Experience with HernandoSheriff’s office Crisis Team, trained through FL police accreditation coalition


Angela Lancaster LCSW 615-502-302 Largo ortelehealth. A Single Step Counseling LLC EFT and EMDR trained Private Pay only


Shawn Davis 813-999-0955 Primrose Lake CircleTampa FL Suite 209 www.renewbodymind.com Private Pay Only


Lori L. McGruder, LMHC

Gainesville, Offering only online therapy atthis time. Trauma certified , EMDR trained 352-448-1424 https://www.lorimcgrudercounseling.com/

Katie Bergman, LMHC https://www.growmentalhealthservices.com/ (850) 520-3321 Telethealth with veteran and PTSDexperienced therapists.

Danelle Hollenbeck, LMHC, 727-307-6309 works with a lot of first responders, including those whoare with the WTC insurance. Uses EMDR and also have Biosound/feedback to usewith clients in between sessions which really helps when highly triggered. www.empathycounseling.com empathycounseling1@gmail.com

Dr. Parvone Shaw https://drpshaw.com/ (954) 205-4369 drpshaw@gmail.com offers telehealth


Dr. Nick Joyce -located in North Tampa or Telehealth , accepts Cigna or private pay nickrjoyce@gmail.com 773-822-6024


Heather M. Fewox-Steen,LMHC, LLC  (904) 434-2536 counseling@hmfewoxsteentherapy.com

trained in traumafocused and EMDR...over 5 years with VA and military families


Nohemi Medrano LMHC  (561) 867 8787 Boca Raton offers Telehealth,EMDR trained  medrano.lmhc@gmail.com https://www.yourhealingjourneycounseling.com/  


Tricia Sadler www.TJScounseling.com  in person inmanatee county or telehealth. EMDR and trauma. 941-281-5079.


Cynthia and Brian https://www.reimaginefreedomcounseling.com/ (321) 804-2457 info@reimaginefreedomcounseling.com  Telehealth


Dr.Susan Ruth Freedman, LMHC Offering Individual and Couples Counseling.EMDR/Trauma Specialist 813/501-2053 Www.anewtomorrow.net Anewtomorrowcounseling@gmail.com


DR.DAN TUTTLE, DC, LCSW experience with first responders. EMDR and neurofeedbackwhich can be great therapies for PTSD and related symptoms

Also a chiropractor andcan help with the physical components which may or may not be related to thepsychological presentation.2595 TAMPA ROAD ​PALM HARBOR, FL 34684 727-509-3760 THEDCLCSW@GMAIL.COM www.tuttlehealth.com


OtherMental Health Resources :

Operation Restore (813) 229-2695 3010 N. PerryAvenue Tampa. 4 Day Retreat held monthly for First Responders.Current remainingretreats for 2022: March 14-17, April 25-28, May 16-19, June 13-16, July 11-14,August 15-18, September 12-15, October 17-20, November 7-10, December 5-8,Spouses Retreats also held throughout the year. https://www.franciscancentertampa.org/healing/first-responders/


The Retreat at Largo Medical Center – IndianRocks Campus - a dedicated destination for First Responders AND their familymembers who need behavioral health assistance and/or admission. Admission isVOLUNTARY, with private, separate, confidential entrance with alias name ifrequested (Jane/John Doe). No ER visit needed. HIPPA confidentiality in placewith NOquestions asked policy, and no communication with First Responder’s agency! Allrooms are private, confidential spaces. At The Retreat, the goal is to increasecoping, validate emotions and assist with challenging negative thoughts. Stayincludes: daily private meeting with attending psychiatrist. *Contact House Supervisor at 727-460-3193. Advise them that you arecalling for the First Responders Behavioral Health Program. Referrals upondischarge include: Appointment set with private therapist affiliated with lawenforcement’ and first responders includes EMDR, Accelerated ResolutionTherapy, Virtual IP for ongoing confidential support.


Resilient Retreat

1207 Sarasota Center Blvd Sarasota, FL  info@resilientretreat.org Phone: 941-343-0039

Resilient Retreat is currently constructing a18,000 sq ft Retreat Center that will welcome up to 30 individuals to attendhalf-day to 5 day evidence-based retreats.Resilient Retreat is a 501(c)3non-profit organization focused on helping professionals that witness trauma inthe workplace (e.g., police, fire fighters, advocates, medical professionals)heal from the impacts of trauma on the mind, body, and spirit. freeevidence-based PROGRAMS are provided by Certified Trauma Professionals inperson and online https://www.resilientretreat.org/


REBOOT First Responders at Calvary Church,Clearwater is a highly successful 12-week, faith-based, peer-led course thathelps first responders and their families heal from critical incident stressand trauma. It is led by CPD/FOP10 Chaplain, Officer Brian Hoxie and OfficerJimmy Dodson. WEDNESDAYS 6:30- 8:00 PM. New courses begin after each 12 weeksession is complete. Register at REBOOTRECOVERY.COM/JOIN or contact: BrianHoxie: 727-539-9551 or Jimmy Dodson: 727-647-8205. Email: REBOOT@calvary.us.Address for course location 110 N. McMullen Booth Road, ROOM #: CE-141 *DINNER& CHILDCARE PROVIDED*


URGENT Hotlines available

Safe Call Now is a resource for public safetyemployees to speak confidentially with officers, former law enforcementofficers, public safety professionals and/or mental healthcare providers whoare familiar with your line of work. MAKE A SAFE CALL NOW: 206-459-3020


Serve and Protect Tel:+1-615-373-8000Confidential, Compassionate, Comprehensive, Collaborative. Since 2011, Serve& Protect has been facilitating trauma services for public safetyprofessionals struggling with invisible wounds, emotional scars from traumaticincidents from the job. Real solutions for real problems. 206-459-3020Rob@ServeProtect.org


Coast -to-coast 24/7 COPLINE: 1-800-267-5463COPLINE is operational 24 hours a day / 7 day a week Calls will be answered bya: Peer Support Counselor All calls and emails are strictly: 100% CONFIDENTIAL“Whether you’re on the job or off and feel like there is no one that you cantalk to who understands what you’re going through, there is always a cop on theother end of the line.”


National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1 (800)273 TALK




Central Florida Police Stress Unit -1-407-428-1800


Cop 2 Cop Hotline - 1-866-C0P2COP P.E.E.R.(Providing Enforcers Education & Resources) - Suffolk County PD, NYInquiries on the team can be made to PEER6239@yahoo.com orSCPDPEERTEAM@gmail.com SUPPORT GROUPS FOR LEOS


Code 9 Project - (929) 244-9911 The Code 9T.U.F. Program is a Universal Peer Support Program that gives all ACTIVE dutyfirst responders: federal, state and local, access to safe, anonymous andconfidential peer support. The meetings are held once a month and are completelyanonymous. There are no department affiliations or biases. The meetings areuniversal, meaning, every chapter is run with the same format and topics ofdiscussion monthly. https://www.facebook.com/pg/Code9project/events  or code9share@gmail.com


Tampa Bay Psychology Associates(Dr. Benson)24//7 First Responder line 727-463-4349 For Clearwater Police Department, LargoFD, SPPD, SPFR, Pinellas Park: Fire and Police.


Copline: 1-800-267-5463




Pasco Sheriff PTS App - available on GooglePlay Store


FREE S.H.A.R.E. Meditations (specificallycreated for first responders) from Code 9 Project on Itunes, Google Play orAmazon music

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